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Postby russell » Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:43 pm

Please bear with me a minute. I have some photos I want to post but I'm not sure how they will work oiut so this is a test run.

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Postby lazairiii » Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:10 pm


Ok not fair!!! I have snow falling outside my window right now, and all I see in this pic is sunshine.

The post worked great.

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Postby russell » Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:29 pm

That was taken yesterday and I was sweating out there in the sun. Somewhere near 90 already. Don't be envious just yet, we'll get ours when the summer really gets cranked up. 100's will not be an exception! The air will get so thin, my Pioneers will have their tongues hanging out just trying to maintain level flight!

The picture posted okay, but now I gotta work on the quality. Cheap camera and dump photographer (me), this may be as good as it gets.
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Postby Don » Tue Apr 18, 2006 2:36 pm

Looks Great Russell!! Good choice to keep her. B) Did you use Tedlar on your tips?
Todays high was about 65. Keuka Lake is low to mid 50's
and we have hard frost almost every night.
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Postby russell » Tue Apr 18, 2006 3:13 pm

Hi Don, thanks. The photo is crappy so I'm trying to learn how to use this new fangled contraption called a digital camera, whatever that is. Once I do the best I can with it I plan on posting a few more shots.

Don, it's the middle of April for christ sake, does it ever warm up up there?!

Hope your making progress on yours.

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Postby russell » Tue Apr 18, 2006 3:18 pm

Oh, I forgot. No that's Dacron I got from Spruce Aviation Supply. Hard to work with. I had forgotten just how aggravating the tips were to cover using contact cement. Could only do a little at a time. Took forever. Frays on the edges real bad, but shrinks great (better than Tedlar).

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Postby Don » Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:35 pm

Hey Russell 75 today, Wooo Hoooo! This year has been a good one we only had about 4 weeks of real winter 2 of those were in December. I've been working on the engines in the basement next to the wood furnace. Thanks to Karl starting that great rebuild thread it seems like I've allready done it a couple times. I don't think Dale even knows about steaming off the glue. I had forgoten about Ozzie mentioning it. How can I see the vidieo?
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Postby russell » Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:42 pm

75? Now that's more like it! As I understand, it gets pretty hot up there in the summer. I tried to find the video myself back awhile but didn't know how.

How 'bout it Ozzie??

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Postby ozzie » Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:09 pm

that vid has gone
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Postby ozzie » Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:15 pm

the short vid was uploaded to this site but i can't seem to find it. ???
i do not have a copy to repost.
it is easy to remove the tape with steam
simply play the steam on the end of the tape to soften the glue then pull it back over itself, continue to play the steam on the outside of the tape while pulling it off.
with a little practice you can get most of the glue to come off with the tape. different tapes different results. the same with the double sided tape. the foam tape tends to break up so a plastic spatular will help here. heat and scrap. work around the filliment tape. you want to keep this in good condition. dry off the surface apply your citrasolve to the scotchbrite and give it a scrub this is the messy part. clean up with a rag.
tips if the steam unit has a control for the amount of steam start off low and slowly increase till you can pull the tape off. better with less than more steam. play it at an angle so you can see what you are doing. do not loiter in one spot and overheat the ali it will distort. if it is stuborn move on then return. you can control the amount of heat by how close the nozzel is to the surface. warning the temp is over 100deg C within 2/3cm of the tip. but will be cold at 10cm from the end. get a cheap roll of tape stick it to several different surfaces and practise a bit. you can also get an idea of useing steam by looking at the video on our website you can get the same results with a tiny cheap unit of 2/4 bar they run slightly lower temp. they are also fantastic to remove dirt grease ect from around rivits and tight areas on the airframe and engines. i also found that it helped in treating corrosion by first removing the loose particles and dirt before applying chemical. the chem works better if the surface is clean. hope this helps ozzie
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