correction to title of previous post

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Postby low`n slow » Fri Mar 04, 2005 5:54 pm

Sorry Daffy! The space given for the subject title would not take all the words for the title of my previous post. The title should read as follows; "question about type and availablity of aircraft coverings".

low'n slow
low`n slow Member
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:47 pm

Postby daffy1029 » Fri Mar 04, 2005 7:39 pm

Hi low`n slow,
I have been away from flying for a while now. I had one short flight in 1989, if memory serves me right. I was never in the market for tedlar since 1985. My Tedlar still looks pretty good today. As for getting more, I don't have any answers right now and if I ever see any tedlar, I will buy it for future use(knowing it is hard to get). Some company must buy this tedlar in hugh amounts, can we not buy from them? I guess most of us "Lazair" people are probably keeping their eyes open for tedlar and tapes. All I can say is keep your eyes peeled on this site. Maybe in the meantime, mylar maybe the way to go for now. If kept out of the sun as much as possible, it could probably last 10 years. I wonder if waxing the mylar once a year would extend it's life? To tell you the truth, if you like tedlar, myler looks even better. I had mylar on my plane for the first 4 years. It was still in good shape when I changed it.
I wish you luck in your search.
I am looking forward to get my plane up in the air this spring. Still have lots to do...
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