Tedlar & tape sources?

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Postby rayjb60 » Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:44 pm

Lets see......

18' wing panel so:

2" one sided Mylar tape near 2 leading edges(top/Bottom) plus trailing edge, so 3x18'= 54' + inner and outer end of wing pannel top/bottom is about another 16' per wing. Total = 70' Per wing half

3/4" double sided Mylar near 2 leading edges plus trailing edge so 3x18' = 54' + inner and outer end of wing pannel top/bottom is about another 16' per wing. Total = 70' per wing half

Double sided foam on all the ribs 7 ribs at average of 3' x2 (top/bottom) 7x3'x2= 42' per wing half

Grand Totals

2" One sided Mylar/Tedlar tape = 140'

3/4" double sided Mylar tape = 140'
(Assuming there is no joint at trailing edge otherwise add another 36')

Double sided Foam tape = 84'

It seems like the mylar tapes come in roles of 36yds(108') normally so you'll have some left overs that can be used for the tail.

Im using the new 3M VHB double sided foam ....damm its sticky, and more UV proof too......If you dont hear from me in a while, it will be because I got hog tied in all these super tapes.
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Postby rayjb60 » Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:48 pm

Sure seems like we are crazy....

....I don't dare tell anyone that my wing is taped together with a couple hundred feet of tape :lol:
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Postby ozzie » Wed Aug 25, 2004 5:54 pm

hi ray thanks for that my measurments are pretty close to yours. going to the tape store this week i hope. been a bit hard to do anything last few weeks as work has me flying up and down the east coast checking on clients, the days are starting to get a bit longer here. so hopefully the pace will pick up and will be finished it soon. ozzie ps that shorty guy hasn't had much to say lately thought he woould snap up a roll of tedlar he's been after it for a while
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Postby Guest » Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:55 am

Which VHB tapes specifically are you using?

Postby rayjb60 » Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:52 pm

Im using the 3M VHB tape #4950

Im also looking into using the F-9469 PC tape as the double sided tape.

Check this link out for properties of these tapes.

VHB Tapes
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Postby Guest » Thu Aug 26, 2004 6:22 pm

Great, the exact tapes I have been looking at too. But what about the 2"-3" wide edge finishing tape. What is the scoop on that one. Does John Nagy have the original 2.6" wide Tedlar or equivilent tape? Or what is everyone using for this application...

Postby rcflyer » Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:09 pm

Hey Guys,

Great to hear you are going to cover your bird in Tedlar and use tape to hold it on. Here is what I use. 2 rolls of PVF (poly vynil floride) 3M 3/4" double sided white tape. #4950 and 1 roll of 3M tedlar 1/2" wide double sided #9469. you can use #9460 thats for the 3/4" wide. I found it to be wasteful and more expensive. I use 2" wide foil tape for all the leading edges and clear 2" wide green house repair tape for everything else.

All you guys who have done covering before know its the prepairation thats everything. make sure all the old foam tape is off the cap strips. This is best done by scraping it off. becareful of the rib taping while scraping.

Hope this helps.
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Postby rayjb60 » Mon Aug 30, 2004 3:12 pm

Beware of the Foil tape!!!!

When I purchased my 90% complete Lazair series II is was 22 years old sitting in a trailer in Arizona, and came with a special frame the first builder used to test shrink and apply tapes on, for practice.

I noticed that the Foil tape had virtually no grip and I was able to easily peel it off by hand....after 20 years of holding shrunk tedlar though.

It separated from the tedlar and the metal very easily, with barely any force.

The glue appeared brittle and dried out.

I would rather use something with much better grip and then cover it with foil.

What sort of experience have you had with the foil tape? Is it a 3M product?

If you have its number I'd like to check the specs on it to see if it is different than the one I had in my Lazair kit.

How do you find its holding power?

Im also looking for a 2" wide tape suitable for the leading edge tape, with a super grip and good UV and temperature resistance.

Seems like long term heat is the tapes worst enemy, along with UV exposure.

What are other people using?
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Postby jb88ci » Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:05 am

anyone consider tyvek tape or housewrap tape?? it appears to have greater adhesion than the tedlar tape, uv resistance and has a uv treated polypropylene film backing...check this link out..

www.cantechtape.com/cantech/industrialp ... /s204.html
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Postby rayjb60 » Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:29 pm

I think the Tyvek would make a great tape....I just wonder what its adhesion to Tedlar will be like...you should try a sample head to head against the Tedlar tape and see which sticks better.

I would be most interested since I need to recover wings and tail right now.

Im going to look for some myself, but California may not have Tyvek tape in abundance.

I'll check a Lowes, since they carry HouseWrap products.
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