Auction Lazair

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Postby walterfd » Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:23 pm

I've added some pictures of the Lazair that I bought at the auction last Saturday.

Hope this is helpful in identifying although it was dark and the only light was from my flash. I didn't get pictures of the engines yet.

Well darn, I can only figure out how to add one picture. I have 6 more.

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Postby xgary » Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:30 pm

just keep pm making new posts and adding a pic
i gonna guess early ser 2
Shorty .............
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Postby lazairiii » Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:55 pm

The DBL gas tank is certainly interesting (Not factory). Not necessary either. The straight stick almost tells me it's a series 1. If you have access to a micrometer, measure the thickness of the aluminum skin on the leading edge of the wings. If it's .016 you have yourself a series 1, but if it's .020 you may have an early series II as previously suggested. The seat cushion and throttle handles are not factory either. Also note that the ruddervator pushrods are bent and will need to be replaced. I see some aftermarket braces running from the strut mounts to the front side tubes, and also from the A-frame structure down to the axel. These are not factory or necessary either. Since the tail section is not seen in this picture, I can't confirm from that, but the early series had larger tail feathers that later models. The early models had skids rather than a fixed or swivel tail wheels like later models. Keep the pics coming and we'll keep commenting. A series 1 is still a great plane so don't fret. From an earlier post, it almost sounds like you have Pioneer engines rather than the Rotax 185's.
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Postby Shannon » Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:15 am

Plane appears to be a fairly early stock Series I kit that was upgraded during construction with a few later produced Series II items (pedals with coupler, plastic wheels, seat,ect..). Hard to say with all the dirt but the airframe looks to be in good shape (corrosion ?) and 98% complete. More than likely the plane has .016 D-cells. Obviously this kit was assembled some time after it was originally produced and sent from the factory. Basically the plane is a hybrid Series I/II.

It would be hard to estimate man-hours and costs to make the plane airworthy. Without going into detail several routes could be taken with this airframe as it could either be restored as-is or further upgraded. The route taken will dictate time and cost invested in the project.

With "minimal" time and investment one could have a minimal Lazair (no additional modifications, 6hp Pioneer engines). It must be realized that performance will be fairly marginal in this low-power configuration even with a rather lightweight pilot.

In the past airfames similar to this one have been upgraded to a Series II or hybrid Series II/III upstick wide-gear configuration and equipped with more powerful Rotax 185 engines. Performance is much improved with these engines. Choosing this route however will involve much much greater time, investment, education, and commitment.
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Postby walterfd » Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:05 pm

Wow! I am overwhelmed by the knowledge you folks have on this forum and the willingness to share it with such a rookie as me. I’m up to 25 hours or so of reading the postings on these pages so I’m just getting my feet wet.

I haven’t gotten a chance to get back over to where the aircraft is stored so I don’t have any additional pictures yet. I’ll do that this weekend. I hung around a little the other day and wiped off some of the dust on the thing. I can find no corrosion just dirt. As you can see from the pictures it has a pretty heavy coating. But, visibility was limited to little bit of light coming from outside.

I now have power in the shop so lights are available. It was stored on a frame build in the rafters of the building you see it in now. It was used by the owner for his post-aircraft- building-hobby which was wood working. What you see all over everything is a fine wood dust generated from 10 or 15 years of making wood crafts (shelves, turned bed posts, bird houses, etc.) According to the family (this was an estate sale) a downturn in the owner’s health forced the change and once he put the plane away it never came out again.

I’ve been in contact with the purchaser of the other two ultra lights that were sold that day (can be seen partially in a couple of the pictures I posted). Apparently, the family and auctioneer got some of the parts and manual mixed up so we are meeting up this weekend to work through the manuals and try and swap parts, manuals and boxes.

I plan on taking a micrometer with me to check the D-cells to see for sure if they are .016 or the .020 that someone instructed me to do to help determine the vintage. A buddy in Minnesota that flies an ultra light has suggested my next step should be to find a local instructor and take give it a try before I get too much further. So, if anyone knows of a Louisville Kentucky / Southern Indiana source I will appreciate any contact information you may have.

Again, thanks for the posts from everyone so far. I’m learning a lot and just beginning to realize how much there is to know.

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Postby lazairiii » Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:41 pm

When you meet up with the other ultralight owners this weekend and you can't determine which plane a part goes to, take pics and post them. Someone here can/will tell you if it's a Lazair part or not.
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Postby ozzie » Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:12 am

G'day just having a look at this thread and the photo and to add a few observations,
With the wide seat back he must have been a big boy and added the extra down tubes to the inside to help protect his hips and elbows from the wheels.
The other forward support tubes from the strut plates are stock series 1 and 2.
Throttles are early stock type.
The extra fuel tank looks like it was still being set up. clamped in place with no visible bolt holes or fuel line atttachments.
The seat seems to be the more upright type for the larger fuel visible rivets about six inches behind the seat attach bracket were it may have been originally fitted with the early 5 litre tank.
The seat support tube that runs from the strut attach points and under the front of the seat is underneath the foreward tubes and along with the straight stick indicates that this is a early 2 with pioneers. and possibly not a modified series one it will have the 016 skins on the leading edge.
Another indication of stock 2 or an updated 1 would be the ruddervators. if they are stock then the cross brace tube between the l/edge and trailing edge will be in the centre. If it was modified to the shorter tail it will not be in the centre.
Best thing about this bird is that it is straight. Other than the new control rods that will take all of 30 minutes to make and fit.. just covering and if the engines have been stored well maybe a couple of carb kits from and he's away.
good score, go for it.

ozzie update.
have only logged an hour so far this year. Summer weather was pretty wild and unpredicable. (33,000ft is the new altitude record for a paraglider) Now Autum is here it has settled right down, in fact the last 3 weeks have been perfect no wind and light thermals right across the southern states. Of course i was travelling on a work trip. talk about peeved. Now that i am home it has started to rain. The real stuff that is actually filling dams and farmers fields (at long last). I'll gladly sit on the ground as long as it keeps raining inland. i'll keep using the time to continue with some small details with my Lazair along with a few personal touches for comfort ect and still continuing research on going electric. Battery weight is the real hold up here not to mention the cost for two engines. but there are some interesting advances in electric flight happening. see what the future brings.
Enjoy your upcoming flying season and summer. I just had a heap of firewood delivered, at least i won't have to fight my way thru snow drifts to get to it B)
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Postby russell » Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:08 am

Walterfd, this is an original 1980 series I (sans paint). Everything you see is stock, Pioneer 5hp chainsaw engines with a total of 75 lb. thrust, 220 max. pilot weight capacity with a climb rate with mid-weight pilot of 250 ft. per minute (think before you fly down into that open field you just spotted, the tree line comes at you pretty fast).

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Postby russell » Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:12 am

I take that back, the independent rudder control is a retrofit that was put on when it was made available about 1982 I believe.
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Postby daffy1029 » Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:37 pm

Hi walterfd,
Looks very much like my series two, when I bought mine new in 1982. If it is, and has the Rotax engines. It's a keeper!! Daffy
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