Hi Lazair people,
I wanted to bring up a topic about balancing the Lazair. Going back to my "u-control" flying models, I recall, balancing the airframe, to be very important part of flying. We used to pick up the wings with our fingers, under where the thickest part of the leading edge was, to check the balance point. This only applies to a straight wing aircraft, not swept back wings. At this point the pitch would be most sensitive in both directions (up and down). If the balance point was closer to the front of the wing, the plane would become uncontrollable, so this is not good. If the balance point is too far back(towards the trailing edge), then the plane would feel slow to respond (pitch wise, more so one way than the other).
Would I be correct to say, for the Lazair, with no gas in the tank, if I hung it up by the boom, near the thickest part of the wing, with a pilot inside (me). this would be the ultimate balance point for this aircraft? The reason I say no gas in the tank, is, because when you do add gas, the balance point goes back, which is much safer than the balance point going ahead.
The reason I want to rebalance my Lazair, is to allow for the slightly oversize gas tank, new BRS parachute and new Solo engines with redrives.
I will be balancing my aircraft soon and would like some input, opinions. Thanks