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Postby peter » Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:01 pm

Thank you so much Shannon....that is exactly what I needed.....Now to round up the materials
Cheers ......Pete
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Postby Shannon » Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:00 pm

Glad to help. Several guys here have made the conversion. I'm sure they can help with material specs and sources.

In the pictures of my wing you will notice a slight difference in the construction of the long bolt mod vs what you see in the Ultraflight instructions. The previous owner of this plane initially made the conversion and what he did varied slightly from factory. Here's a pic of one wing before it was refurbished. I subsequently made further changes to accomodate .020 skin doublers.
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Postby peter » Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:41 pm

Thanks Shannon.....Looks quite straightforward.....It appears the best way to open the fabric, is to come strait back from the D cell far enough on each side of the rib to get in to work, carefully disolving the glue on the trailing edge of the D cell and then the rib.....does this attack seem best?
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Postby Shannon » Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:37 am

Hi Pete, I suppose if you cut the fabric in a "V" (point of the v facing rearward and over the R-7 rib) or triangle you could do the mount work and splice fabric pieces back in. Once done capstrips could be installed over the fabric up to the rear of the motor mount plates. Can't say for sure exactly what I'd do here just throwing out an idea.

You have to be really careful when dissolving the fabric glue. I've seen what happens when the solvent runs into the D-cell or on a rib... isn't pretty.
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Postby peter » Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:58 am

Thanks Shannon...My original thoughts were to make two V incisions either side of the top rib, and I think that's the way to get at it....there are two inspection plates either side of the rib bottom in the right place, and also all the rib bottoms have cap strips, but none on the top.....I should be able to do it without opening up the bottom ....Anyways hoping for a little milder weather....-5c and snowing tonite......cheers......Pete
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Postby Shannon » Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:50 am

Hi Pete,

I failed to ask how the fabric is attached to the D-cell. I gather it's glued to the trailing edge of the D-cell like Tedlar.

Again I can't say with any certainty how to attack this job. In any case be sure to let us know of your progress and post some pics if you have them.

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Postby peter » Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:50 pm

That's right Shannon, the fabric is glued to the trailing edge of the Dcell like in the same fashion as you would apply the tedlar....I'll try to post some pics when I can get at it some mild weekend.....Like my brother in law says..the biggest part of the job is getting started....Cheers.......Pete
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